aliveness advocate | fourth-generation Vancouverite | fearless provocateur | closet thespian | cancer defeater | relentless spiritual seeker | Icelandic citizen | hummingbird coaxer
Current: A stand for people being their best selves, whatever that means to them, I see people, really see them, for who they are at their core and invite them, all of them, to come out to play. I believe that our heartlessness is killing us, our companies, and our world. And so, I am bold in my commitment to get people reconnected to their heart, their courage, and their voice… opening a space for creating a different kind of world, and work. In helping clients find what matters most to them, they can rekindle their passion for their work and life. Described as fierce, electrifying, fun. Knowing that laughter lubricates learning – I bring humor and directness to my coaching, asking the tough questions, and naming the unspoken that lies just below the surface.
Past: Pioneer in the coaching field, including seventeen years on the Faculty of the Coaches Training Institute, and recipient of Master Coach certification (MCC). Twenty years as a Leadership Coach, helping managers to CEOs from small start-ups to Fortune 500 companies. Developed and delivered 1000+ in-person and web-based leadership development workshops, programs, events, and resources. Responsible for fostering creativity and innovation in strategic sessions involving cultural shifts and large-scale change. Earned two business degrees from Queen’s University in Kingston. Am certified in more personality assessment tools than any one person should be.
Future: Will live in London part-time and be the person who has seen all the latest shows in the West End; take my goddaughters for annual trips anywhere and everywhere in the world; have a hummingbird land (and stay!) on me; start my own gin distillery.