patient | relatable | believer that anything can be tackled | sister to 7 siblings | forever athlete
Current: Find fulfillment in helping leaders grow into better and fuller versions of themselves. Believer that the impact individuals have on others is the greatest legacy they leave. Help leaders tackle topics such as coaching and developing others, influence, difficult conversations, managing-up, delegating, imposter syndrome…the good and the messy that everyone deals with.
Past: Saw it all; worked in consulting, teaching, education administration, and start-ups. Managed teams of varying sizes in roles such as VP, Chief of Staff, and Chief Operating Officer. Helped fast-growing startups grow customer demand, drive key expansions, and improve efficiency and organization. Demonstrated inspirational people management in every role.
Future: Wired to live in the moment and pretty sure the future will surprise me but confident will be living close to nature, still playing ice hockey, and laughing with my husband.