A team was paralyzed by mistrust and frequent conflict. To get back on track, they needed to stop finger-pointing and improve real-time collaboration.
To begin, HAVEN assessed team dynamics using our proprietary methodology to identify root causes and changes required. Immediately, we noticed that the team would benefit from more adaptive leadership so HAVEN coached the team leader 1:1 to expand his leadership repertoire. Simultaneously, HAVEN set to work bolstering the team through a series of facilitated dialogues to revise team norms, increase appreciation for different work styles and generate enthusiasm to co-create a better experience together. Following, HAVEN facilitated post-mortems on meeting behaviors and provided targeted coaching to improve group dynamics & collaborative practice. This allowed the team to notice, and take control, of their new behaviors.
The team assessment at the 12-month mark showed significant improvement in psychological safety and volume of meaningful feedback, and a 25% increase in cross-team collaboration. What’s more, meeting time decreased by 20%. Aside from team member engagement, there were also reports of higher satisfaction and improved collaboration from their direct reports.