champion of humans | performance optimizer | relationship builder I promoter of self-awareness I mom of dancing diva, ninja warrior and soccer prince | former Israeli military air-force commander | kettlebell fanatic
Current: Helping leaders incorporate personal development into their team culture, creating safe environments for direct and honest conversations that facilitate growth. Using mind & body as an integrated approach to change that promotes self-empowerment and develops self-efficacy through reaching physical and mental goals. Ongoing student of behavioral change.
Past: Airforce commander of newly enlisted soldiers in the radar control unit. Spent days and nights defending artists’ copyright infringements and participating in police raids of bootleg factories as an intellectual property lawyer. Passionately supported thousands of strength coaches, administrators, and members as a general manager in the fitness industry. Converted die-hard couch potatoes to physically and mentally empowered beings, athletes, and fitness enthusiasts as the proprietor of a fitness coaching business.
Future: Will live in a hut on the beach eating chocolate and advocating for women’s maternity leave rights. Will establish the first ever Kettlebell Police, an army whose mission is to teach people how to use them properly.