husband to the “chief of staff” | father and father-in-law of 3 great teachers | book lover | wilderness tripper | food snob | martial artist | wannabe chef | team player
Current: Faculty at the Adler Professional School, honing skills to high achieving individuals and companies, working with groups and one-on-one through an Adlerian approach. Divides time coaching leaders and teams from all corporate backgrounds to achieve long-term improvements in cohesion, effectiveness, and performance.
Past: CEO and Founder of a professional Martial Arts organization for 30 years, focusing on providing personal and team development. With over 10,000 students taught and 12 locations across North America, worked with individuals of all backgrounds and skill levels, coaching them towards a “target success mindset”.
Future: Living on a property with enough space for my kids and grandkids where I can spend my time hiking, cooking, reading, and connecting.