surfacer of underlying assumptions | process consultant | always happy | proud dad | husband to my one true love | chess and fitness enthusiast
Current: Senior Consultant within the HR Advisory practice at HAVEN and organization & leadership development consultant to biopharmaceutical teams. Passionate about unlocking the potential that exists within individuals and organizations. Believes that “from chaos comes opportunity”, and nothing is more satisfying than helping to guide clients through that journey. Enjoys working on projects that impact culture, values, and employee engagement.
Past: Head of Organization Health & Development for Third Rock Ventures. Also, extensive organization development and change management work with Takeda and Millennium Pharmaceuticals on a global scale. Trained capuchin monkeys to be helpers for quadriplegics.
Future: Travel and explore the world with my wife; finish the home projects that are long overdue; enjoy my children crushing me in chess; and take a dip in an ocean everyday.